Meet The Personal Trainers

Personal Trainer & Mobility Specialist
Jake Lemon - Internal Performance
Hi, Im Jake. A Personal Trainer, FRC Mobility Specialist and Soft Tissue Therapist. I Specialise in helping people improve their mobility, Strength and Joint health.

Personal Trainer
Gareth Jones - GJ Fitness
Hi, Im Gareth. A Personal Trainer specialising in fat loss and body transformations. Not only do I help people completely turn their physical health around. I also help people develop a more positive mindset to training and healthy living.

Personal Trainer & Pre/Postpartum Specialist
Sophie Gray - SG Coaching
Hi, Im Sophie. A Personal Trainer and Pre & Postpartum Specialist. I also help woman become stronger, improve body composition and grow their confidence.

Personal Trainer
Ryan Middleton - Middleton Fitness
Hi, Im Ryan. I am a Personal Trainer and lifestyle coach specialising in physique & health development. I typically work with busy individuals that want to maximise their health, improve their body composition and boost their productivity.

Personal Trainer
Will Briggs - Will Briggs Fitness
Hi, Im Will. I believe that everyone has the potential to be their best self. As a certified personal trainer, I'm here to help you uncover that potential. Contact me today to learn more about how we can work together to transform your body and your life.

Personal Trainer
Jay Sturgess - JS Strength Coaching
Hi, Im Jay. I am a Personal Trainer specialising in strength training and Technique coaching. I believe that building a strong foundation is the most important step for setting yourself up for success in the gym.

Personal Trainer
Ryan Andrews - RA Coaching
Hi, Im Jake. A Personal Trainer, FRC Mobility Specialist and Soft Tissue Therapist. I Specialise in helping people improve their mobility, Strength and Joint health.

Personal Trainer
Jack Griffiths -
Hi, Im Jack. A personal Trainer and online fitness coach based at FMF. My aim as a trainer is to help people reach new levels with their health and fitness and build a genuine passion for resistance training and healthy living.

Personal Trainer
Faye Mandel - FWF Coaching
Hi, Im Faye. A personal Trainer and fitness coach at Full Motion Fitness. I specialise in helping people improve their body composition while building self confidence and a true passion for training and healthy living.