Meet our fitness team
Founder, Fitness Coach & F30 Instructor
Jake Lemon
Hi I'm Jake, Founder of Full Motion Fitness. Most of the time I am on the gym floor with members or in reception. I love meeting and getting to know all of our members so please say hello when you see me around the gym.
Fitness Coach & F30 Instructor
Gareth Jones
Hi I'm Gareth, Head of the Group Fit Programme and Fitness Coach. When i'm not on the gym floor making people sweat I'm usually in reception eating and talking everything fitness & supplementation.
Fitness Coach
Sophie Gray
Hey i'm Sophie, One of the fitness coaches at FMF. I'm usually in the gym training legs and helping our amazing members with their own training. If you see me feel free to say hello.
Fitness Coach
Rebecca Parker
Hello I'm Rebecca, Part of the FMF Team as a Fitness Coach. You'll usually find me in reception Providing a warm welcome to our members or in the gym assisting with their training.
Fitness Coach & F30 Instructor
Jay Sturgess
I'm Jay, Fitness coach and F30 Instructor with a strong passion for powerlifting & Strength training in general. If you can't find me on the deadlift platform then im usually by the coffee machine sipping a latte. Give me a shout if you need help with a barbell.
Fitness Coach
Will Briggs
I'm Will, One of the Fitness Coaches at FMF. Im here to assist you with your Exercise technique and set up our Performance members training programmes. I'm also very passionate about Nutrition Supplements, so feel free to ask me any advise.